Industrial Engineering

    Industrial Engineering is a profession mainly dealing with optimizing complex, processes, systems or organizations by developing, improving and implementing systems of, people, money, knowledge, information and equipment. This type of engineering is central to manufacturing operations.

    Industrial engineers need specialized knowledge in math, physical and social sciences, together with engineering analysis and design principles to specify and predict the results obtained from a process.

    Its been suggested that Leonardo da Vinci was the first industrial engineer due to him examining that rate at which a man could shovel dirt, and its also been suggested to that the profession grew from Charles Babbage's study of factory operations on straight pins.

    Interchangeable parts were a big part of industrial engineering, they enabled individual mass-produced parts to be used in any finished product. The result of making these reduced the ammount of skilled specialized workers which led to the industrial environment to be studied later.

    Industrial engineers study the interaction of human beings with machines, materials, information, procedures and environments in such developments and in designing a technological system. The typical curriculum in college includes a broad math and science foundation spanning chemistry physics, mechanics, material science, computer science, electronics and a standard range of engineering mathematics.


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