Chemical Engineering/Biochemical Engineering


 Chemical engineering is a field of engineering that deals with studying and designing chemical plants as well as making new methods of improving production. Chemical engineers use principles of physics, chemistry, math, biology and economics to efficiently use, produce, design transport and transform energy into materials. They are also involved in plant design and operation, safety and hazard assessments, process design and analysis, modeling, control engineering, bioengineering, construction specification and operating instructions.

     Chemical engineers normally hold a degree in Chemical Engineering or Process Engineering. Practicing engineers may have professional certification and be accredited members of a professional body.

    Biochemical engineering stems from Chemical engineering and it mainly deals with the design, construction and advancement of unit processes that involve biological organisms.

    Education for Biochemical engineering is not a major that many universities have and instead is an area of interest under the chemical engineering major is most cases.

    Biochemical engineers work on creating pharmaceuticals, artificial organs, biomedical devices, chemical sensors, and drug delivery systems. Some work in the food industry designing systems that would improve production, processing, storage and distribution of food. An example of this would be milk, it undergoes a process such as milling, dehydration, and pasteurization.



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